Camden Riviere Wins Australian Open

Published on: Jan 19, 2015

© Doug GrantCamden Riviere has made another ‘first’ for himself in winning this year’s Australian Open Singles title today in Melbourne.  He defeated Chris Chapman 6/1 6/2 6/2 and has now achieved the grand slam, although not in a calendar year.  However, this remarkable player has that ‘unbeatable aura’ surrounding him and he must be odds on favourite to win the three further 2015 Open titles.

Congratulations though to Chris Chapman, RTC’s professional, who was playing in his first Open final.  The British Open showed that Chris has the makings of another top echelon player when he defeated Tim Chisholm in the round of 16 in 5 sets and then gave Steve Virgona a ‘scare’ when taking him to 5 sets in the quarter finals.

The Ladies final had Harriet Ingham, also from RTC defeating home player Prue McCahey 6/4 3/6 6/4