National League Covid-19 Rules
Published on: Aug 17, 2020

Covid-19 Guidelines to play – (subject to change)
All players, including visiting players, should familiarise themselves with the most current rules of play at the host club, and confirm with the host club that they understand and will adhere to them. If these rules of play are not on the host club’s web site (which should be updated with any change in the rules), then the visiting Captain should contact the club and arrange for them sent to him/her and distribute them to his/her team members.
The IRTPA reserve the right to issue warnings and point deductions for any breach of applicable rules. If after reading those rules at least a week before the match, any player/team feel they would be too much at risk,
they should contact the IRTPA organiser Lesley Ronaldson. If agreement cannot be reached, a match at a neutral court with a safe environment may be requested. It is hoped that this scenario would not occur because all clubs are following the T&RA and Government Guidelines.
For two player teams, until competitive doubles are allowed, a win will be awarded to the team who has won most rubbers, then sets, then games won/games lost.
Depending on new government restrictions fair rebates will be considered.
National League Covid-19 Rules
- The management of risk must be down to individual members. In particular, and crucially, anybody who either has, or is suspected of having the infection, or is vulnerable or shielding must not go to the host club.
Hence, any player visiting a host club is certifying a lack of symptoms in the prior 14 days.
- Players who have visited a club and subsequently experience possible symptoms, or have a household member who experiences possible symptoms, must immediately inform the professional team who will alert all players from the match. Such a player will be subject to “track and trace” government requirements.
- All matches, including the first match, should start at 3 games all in the third set if the first two sets have been more than one hour. (This is to avoid overlapping of players)
- Social distancing and good personal hygiene must be maintained at all times.
- Travel to and from the host club should avoid public transport wherever possible. Car-sharing other than within households is discouraged. If car-sharing is necessary, please make sure there is good airflow and as many precautions as possible are taken.
- To maintain social distancing on court, at the change of ends the incoming server must wait for the other player to be more than two metres away from them throughout their change.
- Gloves for the non-playing hand may be required by some clubs. Where this is the case, visiting players must abide by this requirement.
Please be aware that CLUB RULES, according to Government Guidelines at the moment, may well include
- Closed changing facilities (players should arrive at the club changed for play.
- A club may limit the number of players in at any one time. Hence, players may be required to leave the club immediately after their match and not enter until their match can go on court. If local rules and National Guidance permit then spectating from a designated safe environment is encouraged. Notification to following players should be given when a match is complete.
- If Club Rooms are closed, teams should agree with their hosts for provision of individual refreshment which may mean bringing your own.
- It may be the responsibility of the players to clean and sanitise the toilet after use, if other arrangements have not been made. Similarly, for the court after use.
The IRTPA require Clubs before a National League Match
- To clean court surfaces and walls at hand and face height during the day of the match
- To facilitate suitable ventilation to the court to allow air to circulate through the court and hence to reduce the risk of inhaling contaminated air.
- To provide hand sanitiser dispensers